As many businesses across the town begin to reopen, Southend Business Improvement District (BID) has rolled out the bunting in Southend High Street to celebrate.
Southend BID have festooned the High Street with 1,000 metres of red, white and blue bunting this week as businesses across the country have started to reopen following a move to stage two of the reopening roadmap.
Southend BID Manager, Suzanne Gloyne, says “The Southend BID committee were eager to get this colourful scheme in place before we moved into stage two of reopening on the 12th April but the project was respectfully delayed due to the sad passing of Prince Philip.”
Ms Gloyne added: “We are pleased to see how the colourful festooned bunting looks and feel it adds a joyful atmosphere after a very difficult period under lockdown restrictions. Businesses across the town have worked hard to put measures in place to safely welcome residents back to the town once more and we are delighted with the reopening of many that have been temporarily closed for a significant time. Shops, restaurants, gyms and more have all updated their risk assessment and procedures to ensure they can safely welcome customers back. We encourage the residents of Southend to support their local High Street, especially in the upcoming few months.”
The bunting scheme is just one of a number of activities that Southend BID worked on for the reopening. Through the Reopening High Streets Safely fund, Southend BID have led on projects such as the development of the Retail Recovery Partnership guidance, the production of a range of public realm safety signage and radio messaging, the creation of new “queue here” stickers for businesses and the reopening of hospitality directory. Please visit Southend safely and remember to continue following the hands, face and space rules.