Violent Disorder Investigation Update
First and foremost, Southend continues to be a safe and pleasant place to work and visit
Tuesday 27th March’s violent disorder is an extremely rare occurrence and not the type of incident Southend’s officers are generally required to respond to
The incident appears to have been targeted amongst a group of people known to one another. It received a swift police response and led to 5 arrests being made. It can hopefully be proved to be isolated
There are no identified wider risks to the public
For this incident, the serious crime directorate have taken investigative primacy under the management of Senior Investigating Officer DI Stuart Truss from Rayleigh’s Major Crime Team. There is a dedicated team of detectives investigating this matter
5 individuals have been released on bail with the condition not to enter Southend
Over 20 witness statements have been obtained. DCI Neil Pudney wishes to thank those members of the public who come forward to assist the police with the investigation and encourage any others to contact Essex Police on 101 and ask for the Rayleigh Major Crime Team
At this stage, there is nothing to suggest organised criminality. It appears that some individuals involved have not previously been known to the police
Investigators will maintain an open mind – the level of expertise allocated to the investigation demonstrates and reassures how seriously the incident was dealt with
Immediate Reassurance Plans
On the evening of Thursday 29th March and throughout the Bank Holiday, there was an increase in police resources to provide high visibility and reassurance
Officers have been working closely with the Street Rangers, retailers, CCTV, key partners and community leaders to ensure a coordinated, focused and multi-agency approach. This will be applied to all reported violent crimes within the district
On Thursday 29th March, DI Truss met with Southend-on-Sea Borough Council’s Community Safety Manager Simon Ford and attended the Southend BID Committee Meeting to discuss the incident and to look at short, medium and long term partnership activity to ensure Southend is safe and desirable to prospective visitors
A Dispersal Order was in place over the Bank Holiday to provide officers with additional powers to move on congregating groups active in the town centre. Further information will be distributed by the police
Visitors were encouraged to enjoy the Easter Bank Holiday in the town. The Purple Flag – awarded for a safe night-time economy – is an accolade to be proud of
Police will continue to focus their efforts in tackling knife and violent crime whist working closely with partners