Many thanks to those attended the Business Against Crime meeting.
Minutes and Actions from the last meeting
Hate Crime Ambassadors training – ongoing, dates still available.
Just here to train contacts. Complete.
Southend City BID Crime and Safety Updates
Street Ranger stats for June – July to date (% indicates change versus full months of April and May): Visitor enquiries - 481 (-41.3%), Business crime incidents - 223(21.9%), Unlicensed events / buskers - 9 (0.0%), Rough sleeper engagement / begging incidents - 88 (-23.5%), Anti-social behaviour - 128 (-24.7%), First Aid - 14 (0.0%).
A 32% rise in recovery of stolen goods - £13,442.62. Helped by four full time rangers, also helps explain why visitor enquiry stats have fallen.
Street Rangers took part in a Child Exploitation Awareness Training from Essex Safeguarding Children Board, feedback was that it was an intense but useful insight into the issues surrounding the topic.
Working in partnership with the Business Crime Team we meet monthly to highlight individuals that regularly commit ASB, thefts, or street drinking that the team recommend for a Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBOs).
Safer Business Action Day is currently underway. We’ve hosted this in partnership with Essex Police Community and Business Crime team with support from Community Safety and CCTV. Focus is on and engaging and deterring youth ASB at the start of the holidays to understand any issues and set the tone for expected behaviour.
We have created the Night Time Economy Pack as an outcome of the Night Time Economy Group work has been created and issued to Pubwatch Chairs. It can also be found on the CSP website and on the Southend City BID website under resources.
Part of an action group delivering a Night Time Economy Charter seeks to have organisations (statutory, voluntary and businesses) sign up to a set of 4 to 5 pledges to demonstrate we are all working together to help build a safe, confident, vibrant, and enjoyable night time economy.
Southend Police Team Update
Safer Business Action Day, partnering with other police departments, BID and community safety.
Op Union – 26 police officers every day on the seafront, massive uplift for the summer months to support the city until the 10th September.
NTE safe space incentive funded through Op Grip, 10pm – 4am in the city centre.
Op Grip – 30 minute patrols in four core areas which statistically receive the most crime.
One core offender was arrested yesterday, has been committed a considerable number of offenses, so a really positive outcome.
Community Safety Updates
Hot spot areas receiving targeted activity with partners for example giving out more fines for particular issues.
Issue raised around the street drinkers at top end of High Street. On CS radar and individuals are dealt with whenever seen.
Issue raised around tent camping starting to occur again around the back of St John’s Church. CS aware and undertaking regular patrols.
Questions / comments, raised throughout.
Next meeting: Wednesday 27th September at 3pm. Email to attend or provide feedback.